Ah, feet – those unsung heroes that carry us through life's adventures! From strolling through sandy beaches to dancing the night away, our feet deserve all the love and care we can give. 

While we often focus on what TO do for healthy feet, it's equally important to know what NOT to do. So, let's embark on a whimsical journey and discover the top foot faux pas that could jeopardise our foot health and happiness!

Skip the Shoe Squeeze:

Shoes can make or break our foot health, quite literally! Avoid squeezing your feet into ill-fitting shoes just because they look cute or stylish. Tight shoes can lead to corns, calluses, and injuries, causing unnecessary discomfort. Instead, opt for shoes with the perfect fit and ample toe wiggle room. Remember, happy feet make for happy faces!

Beware of Heel Heights:

We all love a little extra height and sass with heels, but beware of the skyscrapers! Constantly wearing high heels can throw your feet's alignment out of whack, leading to a range of issues like plantar fasciitis, ankle sprains and back pain. Embrace the charm of lower heels or flats more often to give your feet a well-deserved break.

Don't Be a Flip-Flop Flopper:

Flip-flops may be synonymous with summer, but they aren't ideal for everyday use. The lack of arch support and cushioning can strain your feet and lead to pain. Reserve regular flip-flops for short trips to the beach or pool, and opt for more supportive footwear during your daily adventures! If you are looking for a healthier and more supportive alternative, invest in some Archies! We have a great range of colours and sizes in the clinic.

Avoid Neglecting Foot Hygiene:

Feet might not be the most glamorous body part, but they deserve just as much love and attention as the rest! Neglecting foot hygiene can lead to unpleasant conditions like athlete's foot and fungal infections. So, make it a habit to wash your feet regularly, dry them thoroughly, and apply moisturiser to keep them soft and supple.

Resist Rough Callus Removal:

We get it; those calluses may not be the most attractive sight, but resist the temptation to use harsh tools for their removal. DIY callus removal can lead to injuries and infections. Instead, see your Podiatrist for removal and relief where they have the knowledge, tools and use sterilisation techniques. In between Podiatry appointments, pamper your feet with regular exfoliation and a relaxing foot soak to keep those calluses in check.

Don't Be a Barefoot Bandit:

As freeing as it feels to walk barefoot, it's not always the best idea. Going barefoot in public places can expose your feet to bacteria and potential injuries. Always wear proper footwear in public areas like gyms, swimming pools, and communal showers to avoid unwanted surprises.

Say No to Self-Diagnosis:

Sure, the internet has a plethora of information, but it doesn't make you a foot expert! Self-diagnosing foot issues can be risky and lead to incorrect treatments that can sometimes be lengthy and expensive. If you encounter persistent foot pain or unusual symptoms, consult our team at Fit Foot Podiatry for ACTUAL health advice!

Caring for our feet is a journey of love and attention, and knowing what NOT to do is just as crucial as knowing what TO do! So, let's bid farewell to foot faux pas and embrace a foot care routine that leaves our tootsies smiling!

Remember, healthy feet are the foundation of a happy life – one step at a time!